Organisers: Dr Max, This Is Locco
What it is:
Dr Max, one of Central Europe's largest pharmaceutical chains, looked to expand its customer base in Slovakia by appealing to young demographics – a harder-to-reach consumer segment in the pharmaceutical industry. This Is Locco devised a PR branding campaign targeting some of the biggest Generation Z concerns: health, fitness, and self-improvement. The message that Dr Max products will “Level Up Your Game” was presented within a video-game concept to make the campaign’s target group as clear as possible, while influencer collaborations were used to bring the campaign to young audiences’ attention.
Why we like it:
By focusing on the idea of "bonuses" and "plus points" which Generation Z is so familiar with from video games, Dr Max was able to profile its over-the-counter range as a way of boosting personal attributes. As the campaign video shows, the intention was to make Gen Z customers view themselves as the “characters” in their own personal video game, in need of supplements to boost their performance. Dr Max created a whole new “Level Up” section on its Slovak website to support the campaign, categorising its health supplement products in clear groups recalling those in many role-playing video games (“Vitality Concentration/Upgrade Vision/Strong Nerves/Boost Immunity/Boost Energy”). With its clear message and target demographic, this great B2C campaign profiles health supplements not as simple necessities or as compensating for deficiencies, but as desirable extras to boost performance and take your personal “game” to the next level.
PR Guru comment:
“Back in the day Lucozade was a drink your mum gave you when you were ill. A bit of brilliant marketing later and it was a drink to boost your energy and sporting prowess – and the start of a totally new market segment. ’Level Up Your Game’ looks as though it could do something similar and change the image of Dr Max’s over-the-counter supplements from something for people in mid-life to hold off old age to something for the young to sharpen their physical talents! Ideas like this deserve to succeed.”
– Trevor Morris