Organisers: Deutsche Telekom, DO IT!, AO Creative
What it is:
The roll-out of 5G is a much-anticipated technological leap forward, but concerns about the security of 5G networks have made its introduction in Germany politically fraught. The potential involvement of Chinese firm Huawei is a particular bone of contention. With government decisions on such factors looming, Deutsche Telekom have answered the uncertainty with a bullish marketing campaign focusing on the end-user benefits of the technology and encouraging as many people as possible to upgrade. This highly creative campaign involves public and print advertising, shop design, online and social media activities, as well as a spectacular kick-off event at Düsseldorf's Rhine Tower.

Why we like it:
The campaign kicked off with a magenta lighting installation at Rhine Tower which closely linked the introduction of 5G with the Deutsche Telekom brand. Searchlights at the top of the Tower sent out beams of white light across Düsseldorf, representing the transmission of the 5G signal in visual form. The campaign’s second phase focused on emotions, with a 40-second cinematic ad involving the recitation of a poem about the power of personal relationships.
The campaign’s motto – “With 5G, nothing separates us anymore” – attempts to sum up a technology which promises greater personal connectivity while making online experiences “closer” and more powerful than ever. Emphasising the theme of “closeness” is a particularly noteworthy choice in the current circumstances; Christian Loefert, the man responsible for the campaign, characterised the campaign’s key message as “digital optimism”. Through positive, consumer-oriented messaging, Deutsche Telekom is linking 5G technology with that feeling of “closeness” which many of us have missed in recent months. In so doing, the introduction of a controversial technology becomes associated with a better, brighter, and more connected future.
PR Guru comment:
“Angela Merkel’s government is still due to make a ‘final’ decision on the controversial aspects of 5G – mainly, the involvement in it of Huawei – before the end of 2020. So this campaign and launch is all about timing. Given the severe constraints on events at present, the logistics of the campaign are impressive, especially with complex lighting rigs involved. Creatively, it’s interesting too – lots of people standing close together and talking about no separation. They’re either looking to the future, or being defiant about the present, or perhaps both. The acid test will be revealed by post-campaign evaluation. Will DT’s customers be persuaded that 5G is a good thing, wherever the kit comes from, and is needed now more than ever? Or will they be more cautious due to ever uncertain times? Confidence and closeness are always a good challenge to caution.”
– Luke Blair