Organisers: Becherovka, Doblogoo, VCCP
What it is:
Popular Czech spirit brand Becherovka launched a communications campaign focusing on the idea of “life professionals” – people who excel in the small, everyday joys of life. The campaign portrayed the importance of taking a step back from the ceaseless demands of achievement and success to focus on the little things that make life worth living. The campaign, aimed at young audiences, involved online video spots, social media communications, and point-of-sale visual materials.
Why we like it:
In the whirlwind of modern life, it’s easy to forget the small pleasures. Studies show millennials to be the hardest working generation of all – and the message that “success isn’t just about work” is an important one. By focusing on the need to take a break, this campaign cleverly turns the idea of “moderation” on its head: while drinking in moderation is important, moderation in terms of work is important too. Finally, the video spots encapsulate what all of us – but especially young people – are missing during lockdown: being together with friends and family.
PR Guru comment:
"I really love this campaign. It’s so apt for the times in which we’re living right now. The idea of finding an equilibrium in life is often encouraged by lifestyle coaches and magazines. We turn it over in our minds - usually when we’re doing something like answering work emails on a Saturday evening. This campaign articulates some of that disquiet - but does so without framing it in the context of a grim soul-searching exercise. It just is what it is. A campaign which reminds people to seize the moments which aren’t about making money or hitting a target. It’s mellow and charming, even if its fundamental message is surprisingly profound. Big thumbs up."
– Colin Brazier