Organisers: IKEA, Triad Advertising, Ogilvy, Vizeum, Adexpres
What it is:
IKEA launched a major CSR initiative in Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Hungary, focusing on the problem of violence against women in the region. IKEA highlighted EU research which showed that 23% of women in Slovakia had experienced physical or sexual abuse from a partner during adult life. 47% of women in Slovakia have experienced some form of psychological abuse in a relationship. IKEA set out to raise awareness of the problem as well as pledging donations and support for non-profit organisations that help victims of domestic violence.
Why we like it:
A TV advert showing the traumatising effects of domestic violence ran from 16 November to 13 December, supported by radio spots and an interactive installation in the IKEA Bratislava store. This pop-up educational wall contained up-to-date statistics demonstrating the severity of the problem in Slovakia, as well as audio loops showing examples of types of abuse. Telephone sets attached the wall gave visitors the ability to “intervene”, picking up the handsets to show that they do not tolerate such behaviour. Some of the room installations in the store also featured harrowing messages to display instances of domestic violence and abuse.
The campaign was backed up by a €330,000 euro donation to non-profits in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary, as well as ongoing cooperation with partner organisations to ensure necessary competencies and the training of front-line staff tackling the problem.
PR Guru comment:
“Literally every one of IKEA’s products is designed to live in somebody’s home. So what an emotive and effective way to highlight the issue of domestic violence. It’s powerful because it fits naturally into what the company sells. Because it asks customers actively to engage by picking up the phone. Because it’s part of a full spectrum campaign. Because it’s backed up by a charitable donation. But above all it’s powerful because it challenges customers to think about what can make a home an ugly place at precisely the time when are trying to make their own home a nicer one.”
– Francis Ingham