Organisers: Česká spořitelna
What it is:
Česká spořitelna launched a major cross-platform communications campaign based on research suggesting Czechs have below-average self-confidence. Data showed that 33% of Czechs believe they have little self-confidence, 45% can’t remember a time when the Czech Republic was strong as a nation, and 54% believe the self-confidence of Czechs is lower than it should be. The campaign intended to show that the Czech Republic’s largest bank cares about the success of Czech citizens, and wants to help lift them up to achieve even greater things.
Why we like it:
The campaign kicked off with an impressive display above Prague Castle, in which the word “Stronger” was lit up by a hundred drones. Subsequently, TV spots, visual materials in prominent public places and social media activity portrayed what Czechs are capable of. For such a prominent and historically significant bank, this campaign is a fantastic way of encouraging personal and national achievement. What’s more, the campaign successfully links the notion of personal and business success, based on data showing that 47% of Czech entrepreneurs cannot name a strong Czech entrepreneur.
PR Guru comment:
“A healthy level of self-confidence is crucial for success and personal development, and anybody with this quality is able to positively influence the direction of society as a whole. Companies are starting to realise this, and are building brand campaigns on the topic, such as Česká spořitelna’s #strongerthanyouthink project. This is an example of how business can encourage new values in society, with the possibility of helping to shape society in a noble way.”
– Pavel Fara